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Kansy Liu
Born in Qingdao, China. Graduated from Tokyo Gakugei University ( 2015. Currently working as a designer based in Tokyo. I am working for a medical technology company called MICIN( During 2020, I began a PhD course for design scientific research since April, while still working at MICIN inc. I have worked at every level with every type range of company. I have lived in Japan nearly 10 years, so my experience with the culture is broad and connected with many different types of people in every area of life. I think this has given me a lot of insight into the nature of culture in Japan, and what individuals need. Feel free to connect me.
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Company info
Founded on 11/2015
130 members
東京都港区西新橋三丁目3番1号 KDX西新橋ビル4階