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sachiho imi
sachiho imi's story
Mark Hahn
I have a strong background in software development, specializing in building large-scale distributed systems and leading diverse cross-functional teams. I've also ventured into technical sales, providing consultations to various clients. I'm the First Engineering Manager at THECOO, Inc., driving product and engineering growth while shaping our team and culture. Previously, I worked as a Solutions Engineer at CircleCI, focusing on CI/CD solutions in the APAC region. I also worked as a Senior Software Engineer at Mercari, Inc., specializing in Microservices development. In academia, I explored Behaviormetrics/Psychometrics and conducted research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems (UAV/UAS) within the Computer Science Department. - An eternal Student - The world is not a desktop. - Weiser 1993 - Avoid success at all costs - The Haskell Motto
sakiko sudo
学生時代に人材紹介会社、ATS提供会社の2社で採用アシスタントとして従事。 採用コンサルを経て、 2023年2月よりTHECOO株式会社にて人材面から事業の成長にコミットしています✌️
竹内 まみ
夢を追い頑張る人の一助になりたいとの想いから、自分の趣味と重なるインフルエンサー領域に興味を持ち、2020年新卒一期生としてTHECOO株式会社へ入社しました。 入社後はファンコミュニティアプリ”Fanicon”でのビジネス開発とファンコミュニティ立ち上げサポートのオンボードを経験。その後、人事採用部に異動し現在は新卒採用&中途採用を中心に活動中です!
Understand the 16 personality types within Wantedly Assessment and their distinct traits and tendencies
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Founded on 01/2014
140 members
東京都渋谷区神宮前2-34-17 住友不動産原宿ビル9,10,11階