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Takuya Shimotaku Shimomura

Lraough LLC / Founder, CEOLos Angeles

Takuya Shimotaku Shimomura

Lraough LLC / Founder, CEO

smile & thanks

Human Resources Consultant of two years including a year of new business development in domestic industry and one year of Large Customer Sales in Kyoto. Matured knowledge of recruitment, sourcing, client management and global hiring. Highly recruiting experienced in Japanese IT and advertisement Industry at iconic IT Global Company. Launched a Direct Recruiting Team at Japanese largest Social Game

Lraough LLC3 years

Founder, CEOPresent

- Present

カリフォルニア・ロサンゼルスにて、エンジニア・デザイナー・アントレプレナーの転職・就職支援のサポートを行っています。アメリカはシリコンバレー(サンフランシスコ〜サンノゼ)、カナダはバンクーバーを中心に西海岸の求人を紹介 します。


  • Recruiting

    • Shota Awata
    • Satoshi Nishinaka
    • Mika Ozaki

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