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Freelance / フリーランス / Full Stack Engineer / フルスタックエンジニア
I am a software engineer of Japanese descent, born in Bolivia, with experience in fullstack software development. Passionate about technology and innovation, I specialize in designing and developing complete, efficient solutions aimed at enhancing user experience and meeting client needs.
My ambition is to grow as a skilled software engineer in Japan, continuously improving my technical and communication skills, with the goal of becoming a project manager who leads impactful projects and bridges teams across cultures.
Software development for small entrepreneurs in Bolivia.
- APIの設計と開発、システムへのサードパーティAPIの統合を含む。 - データベース管理(T-SQLを使用したSQL Server)。 - レポートモジュールのロジックを最適化し、従業員の生産性が10%向上。 - アジャイルSCRUM手法とG-suiteツールを使用したチームコラボレーション。