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Aswin J

ゼロスペック株式会社 / Web DeveloperJapan

Aswin J

ゼロスペック株式会社 / Web Developer

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” -Linus Torvalds

Currently working in Zerospec inc., which is a SaaS/IoT based Startup. 📌 Have experience in both Frontend & Backend development 📌 Have exposure to some AWS cloud services 📌 Can able to build decent web apps


In the future

I'm in the journey of exploring & understanding Technologies, Management & Business techniques, so that one day I can able to build quality products/services on my own 😉

ゼロスペック株式会社4 years

Web DeveloperPresent

- Present

Working with Backend team in the development of Gonow V2

Web Developer

Worked with Frontend & Backend team during the development of Gonow V1

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