What we do
フランスで開催されたJAPAN EXPO 2014にも参加しました。
運営しているTokyo Girls' Updateでは”日本独自のポップカルチャー“を世界中の人とシェアし、そんなMade in Japanコンテンツをきっかけに、新しいエンターテイメントのカルチャーを作りたいと考えています。
現在は主に、 Tokyo Girls' Updateのコンテンツ作成、アーティストの海外プロモーション案件、EC運営、国内外のイベントの実施を行っています。
ALL BLUE.inc was founded in 2013 as a new project of Hakuhodo DY holdings. Tokyo Girls’ Update that we are managing intends to create new culture of entertainment by sharing “Japanese Own Pop Culture” with people in all over the world. Now we mainly work for draw up contents of Tokyo Girls’ Update, artists’ promotion in overseas, management of EC, and carry out events in both Japan and overseas. We succeeded in one-year-test marketing and run for our 2nd term. This time, we are looking for new members to join us.
Why we do
We believe that Japanese culture have strong contents power, and want to share them all over the world. Especially the power of fans in girls’ pop culture, focus on idol, can create new entertainment culture, that’s the reason.
How we do
Now we send information to the World from Tokyo Girls’ Update, which has accessed from 150 countries in the World and its fan community has more than six hundred thousand people.
However, this is just a beginning and not enough at all yet.
We'll develop our original web service such as SNS and create platforms that more and more fans can be satisfied in a real sense.