
社名に込めた想い ~みちトラベルジャパン~















Michi as in Path

Most conventional tours are designed to visit one tourist attraction after another and have little time to just walk around the paths in the surrounding area. However, we believe that the real aspects of Japan, whether it is traditional or modern, are many times hidden in those paths. Although, some landscapes have changed with economic development, we know a number of beautiful paths where you can feel the pulse of that city remaining as is. Whether it is a back street alley, a stone-paved path, a country road, or a coast line, we hope you will take time to stroll along them and enjoy the unexpected encounters there.

Michi as in Way of Life

A famous Haiku poet, Basho Matsuo, wrote his Haikus based on the conception that "Life is a Journey". You may say that his representative work, "Oku no Hosomichi (Narrow Road to the Interior)" was his travel account when he walked from Edo (Tokyo) to the northern interior region, Oku. We deeply resonate with his way of thinking, and believe that through a journey, one can reflect on his life and move on. We hope to provide you with a quality journey that can enrich your life.

Michi as in Cultural Spirit

Michi is also pronounced "dou" which means "the way" or "skill". It is used in some Japanese traditional culture activities such as sa-dou (tea ceremony) and bu-dou (martial arts). sa-dou is the way to treat a guest by making tea and bu-dou is the fighting skill that a samurai must learn. However, sa-dou and bu-dou are not just skills. They both place high value on discipline and moral strength which are the basic values of Japanese people that are handed down from generation to generation.

Through your journey to Japan, we hope you will be able to touch the essence of Japanese culture. Whether the purpose of your journey is cultural exploration or a leisure vacation, we can make a difference by cherishing the spirits reflected in our company name. We promise you an enriching travel experience that is enjoyable at your own pace.

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