


As long as I can remember I've been interested in Japanese culture. It started out as a mild interest which eventually grew into a lifestyle I will never get enough of. Perhaps it’s because Tokyo is a far cry from growing up in the countryside of Tennessee.


Perhaps I've always been a city girl at heart ;)

多分私は、心はいつも都会の女の子だったんです ;)

After I graduated college I landed my first job as an English teacher in an area I thought was a big tourist area. Turns out it was a little different than expected.

I worked there for two years before taking a chance and moving to Tokyo.



Consequently, that’s how I met my current boss, Mr. Hasegawa. He had come to the restaurant with a client. He asked me what I was doing working here. I explained I was job hunting. He coolly handed me his card and said "How about an interview?" And so I was scouted and started a new adventure in Japan.



After researching the company and speaking with Mr. Hasegawa I knew I wanted to be a part of this company that was making a huge impact in how technology is handled.


When I entered the company I had zero experience programming. As I was messing around with the code I learned during my training period, programming became more interesting. I was constructing websites and wanting to create similar CGI scripts on the web. Executing a command or program with smartly written code makes me feel clever and I think “Yes, I did it!”


I’ve used basic programming languages to help create an ordering application for a client’s restaurant. I took full advantage of this opportunity and used as much material as I could. Along with the screen refurbishment, I’ve dealt with error reports and operation checks. In addition to this, I put in large amounts of data to test.

レストランでの注文に使うアプリを開発する業務に携わり、そこでHTML, CSS, JavaScriptを使いました。今まで学んだことを実際の業務で使いたいと思っていたので、この機会を最大限活用しました。画面改修にともない、動作確認とエラーの報告をしました。さらに、テスト用データの大量入力も行いました。

As for translation, the Singapore Point Team had some promotional material as well as a membership registration procedure manuscript I translated. Since there was such a massive amount of text, I feel like it improved my Japanese skills considerably. It truly was a valuable experience.



At a time when demands for web services and apps are surging, we have a serious shortage of people (iOS, infrastructure, and application). The people we do have working here are very serious about their work.


I’ve been given the freedom to choose how I work towards my deadline. Information sharing gets a warm welcome. Sometimes we'll have in-office info sessions and presentations. They also promote continued learning so you can take classes and seminars at your own pace. There’s also a pretty active CSR group in the parent company (Tokyu Hands) that sponsors children's events for charity.



Learning Unicage, HTML, and JavaScript all at once from the very beginning proved challenging. I believe personal growth and confidence in yourself can come from challenges such as these. It's a very enriching albeit humbling experience working alongside such clever people who make the impossible, possible!

ユニケージ、HTML、JavaScriptを初歩から一度に学んだことは、自分にとってハードルの高いことでしたが、良い経験になりました。これらのチャレンジーが、更なる自己成長や自信の源になると信じています。 不可能を可能にする優秀な仲間と一緒に仕事をすることで、自分自身を成長させることができますし、謙虚な気持ちを持ち続けることもできます。

They give me something to aspire to. It's amazing to see a couple of people start with a basic idea and build a working model in short period of time. Working at Hands Lab has pushed me to apply myself in new ways. They’ve also helped me explore my creativity and imagination to solve problems.


For right now, I’m aiming for AWS certification!


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