
【社員インタビュー#4】カンボジア人 ITエンジニアインタビュー Interview #4 with our Cambodian IT engineers


Hello! In this story, I will tell you the second interview of a Cambodian engineer.

名前:チャイ リェンヒー

Nickname: LEANGHY
Date of Birth: 07-JULY-1990
Education background: Management Information System(MIS)
Special skill: Linux, PHP and Mysql
Hobbies: I like watching netflix and listen to music via spotify.
Favorite foods: Thai Spicy Food
How to spend the holidays: I like to hangout with my friends and my family.



-Why did you become an engineer? Actually, System Engineer is my dream job, I graduated bachelor's degree in management information systems, and I have been in an IT support job before joining Dynamo Tech Solutions. During working an IT support Job at my previous company my boss assigns me to manage the company website and hosting service, and after spending 2 years and a half I'm not just only maintaining IT equipment but at the time I also learn How to structure website work. At that time, I was thinking that I want to improve my skill level, so I started looking for job postings in the IT engineering field I found that my current company (Dynamo Tech Solutions) was looking for a system engineer, and applied. Fortunately, I passed my interview and got an offer from my current company (Dynamo Tech Solutions) as a system engineer.


私たちのプロジェクトでは、オペレーティングシステムとして主にLinuxを使用しており、私はそのシステムについて一生懸命に学びました。Linuxシステムではオペレーションを自動化して問題を解決することができますが、それは簡単なことではありません。Linux Serverは、他のWindows ServerなどのOSとは異なり、グラフィックユーザーインターフェイスを備えていないため、ターミナルアプリを使用して作業をします。私は主に、Macで利用できるiTerm(terminal)と呼ばれるアプリケーションを利用していますが、それを扱うには高度なスキルが必要でした。最初は大変でしたが、今では利用に慣れてきたと思います。あわせて、手作業でシステムを運用するのではなく、コードとしてのインフラストラクチャ(IaC)を使用してシステムを自動化する方法を学びました。さらに、システムに問題がある場合の原因究明と、その解決方法を学びました。次のステップとして私は現在、プロジェクトの全体像を理解すること、そして問題があればログなどを確認して根本的な原因を突き止め、解消できるようになることに注力しています。

- How do you become an IT engineer? Actually, The main operating system of our project is Linux, I had learned very hard How to manage Linux systems, and automate and solve the issue. Of course, It was not easy to manage because Linux has no graphic user interface unlike other OS, I mostly use the app called iTerm(terminal) which supports only mac users, but it required high technical skills and it was hard for me in the beginning but now I think I very familiar with it. At that time I had also learned How to automate our system with infrastructure as code (IaC) instead of manual operation, Moreover, I learn how to solve the issue when the system has problems and what should I do in the next. I think I need to understand the whole picture of the project and try to find out the root cause by checking the logs.

【自宅でのリモートワークの様子/Remote work at home】



‐Is the profession of IT engineer popular in Cambodia? From my perspective, IT engineers in Cambodia start popular day by day, Since the education system in Cambodia started focusing on the IT system from the high school student. I believed that the young generation of Cambodians has a high potential to study the field. And the job offer also provided a good salary and work-life balance.


この仕事は常に、私に高いレベルのスキルを要求しますし、また高度なスキルには高い需要があります。 さらに学び続け決して止まらないことを必要とします。 一方で、この仕事は私に良いワークライフバランスを与えてくれます。

‐What are the good things about an IT engineer's job? This job requires me to be very skillful in my field, It has a high demand. Moreover it requires me to keep learning and never stop. However, this job also gives me a good work-life balance too.



‐What kind of work do you currently do at Dynamo? Currently, I manage the milestone task from my management team and assign that task to my team member to work on it. In this position, I am responsible for managing the progress and coordinating the activities of my team. My responsibility also includes setting priorities, reviewing status reports, and resolving any problems/issues as they arise. The main responsibility of our team is (to set up servers, monitor existing systems, and propose and build new technology for the management team). In addition, I sometimes also work by myself too.

【友達とカフェにて/I go the coffee shop with my friend】



‐ Do you have a dynamo work that you want to study, improve your skills, or try new things? Being a system engineer who is passionate about engineering and technology. I seek to constantly improve my technical skills and management abilities so that I can excel at managing complex engineering systems.



-People from overseas say that Japanese people are diligent, so what do you think of working at a Japanese company? Also, do you have any idea about the work of you orCambodians? Yes generally, I think they are working very hard with diligence, Since I work with Japanese for almost 3 years I've noticed that my Japanese co-workers tend to be more focused and quality-oriented when it comes to working on projects. And it may be true that the Japanese economy is growing so fast.


私の将来の目標は、若い世代に自分の得たスキルに関連する教育を提供することです。 夢を実現するために、私の経験や他の人から学んでもらいたいと考えてます。

‐ What goals do you have in the near future? My future goal is to provide education that relates to my skill to the young generation. I want them to learn from my experience and from other people in order for them to be able to make their dreams a reality.

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