What we do
Dine Inn is a one-stop community marketplace that connects the makers and lovers of home-cooked food. Tuck into a heart-warming home-cooked meal and share your culinary experiences with new friends.
Why we do
Community Dine Inn at Ci Yuan CC
Featured on Channel 8 : Morning Express
Dine Inn breaks down physical barriers and puts the food you want, right in the palm of your hand. This concept is the brainchild of four epicureans who strongly believe that Singapore’s best kept secrets are hidden in plain sight.
How we do
Monthly Cookin Classes
Makan-tastic at Yishun
Just as Uber, one of the world's largest transport operator with no physical assets as its core business; and Airbnb, a high volume real estate operator with no physical assets. Dine Inn intends to have home kitchens provide culinary adventures, small scale catering and specialist foods with home cooked goodness.
Founded by a marketing academia, an integrated marketing veteran and an institutional financial trader, the diversity and depth of experience of the team will be an immense learning opportunity for anyone to dabble in the fast-paced and dynamic start-up world.