Journey deeper into Japan
An exciting start-up based in Tokyo that connects adventurous explorers with the stories of Japanese tradition.
We’re searching for talented students or graduates passionate about Japanese traditional culture, and in sharing these rich traditions with audiences all over the world.
You will be working with team members from various backgrounds and nationalities. 多彩な国籍やバックグラウンドを持ったチームメンバーと働くことで、ダイバーシティが身につきます。
You will constantly receive feedback from your team members and learn basic business manners, email writing, and phone calls.
We need your creativity and new ideas!
ミーティングや社内コミュニケーションなどを通して多様な意見に触れる機会があります。we value open communication in the work office, including feedback sessions and intern check-in meetings.