What we do
コードクリサリス は六本木に拠点を置くフルスタックエンジニアを養成するブートキャンプです。私たちはエンジニアへのキャリアチェンジや、スキルアップを目的としている人たちを、テクニカルスキルのみならずあらゆる側面からサポートしています。
Code Chrysalis is a full-stack software engineering bootcamp located in Roppongi, Tokyo. We empower individuals to create fulfilling lives, level up their skills, and re-engineer their careers. Come be a part of that journey.
We are a casual environment that embraces creativity, new ideas, and teamwork.
Why we do
これらの3つのミッションには、多様性のある、包括的な環境を作りたいという私たちの想いが秘められています。Code Chrysalisでは多様性のある、包括的な環境を育むことは成功への道だと考えており、他者への大きな励ましにもなると考えています。
There are 3 main missions that we stand by that mark us as a reputable school. Our programs focus on developing technical skills, clear communication, flexibility, autonomy and empathy and by focusing on these aspects we (1) aim to create engineering leaders who can make a meaningful impact on our society. We (2) empower women by actively reaching out and promoting their inclusion, especially in the tech industry. We (3) hold free educational events to provide support and build a community for technologists in Japan.
The underlying value of these missions is our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. At Code Chrysalis, we believe fostering diversity and inclusion in a community is the key to success and we take great care in encouraging others to take action.
How we do
またコードクリサリス ではアジャイル手法を活用しています。
Both English and Japanese are used daily at our workplace!
Our working style is flexible and we do not mind as long as you can finish your work on time.
Staff members come from different backgrounds (different nationality, age, gender), and we respect and embrace each person’s personality and believe our working environment is very diverse.
Also, at Code Chrysalis we use agile method.