
Discovering Your Life Script: The Key to a Fulfilling Career and Impact 人生を通じたキャリアの選択について考える


Have you ever wondered why you've made certain life choices, or if your current path truly aligns with your deepest aspirations? Let's explore the concept of your "life script" and how understanding it could lead you to a more fulfilling career and life.

Understanding Your Life Script

Your life script is an unconscious blueprint that guides your decisions and expectations. Formed in childhood and shaped by family, culture, and society, it often dictates our choices in education, career, relationships, and major life milestones.These early-life decisions can lead to various paths. Some scripts might push you to "climb the corporate ladder at all costs," potentially leading to success but at the expense of personal fulfillment. Others might whisper, "play it safe, avoid risks," keeping you in a comfort zone that feels increasingly restrictive. Perhaps your script emphasizes "be perfect or be nothing," setting up a lifetime of stress and self-doubt. Just consider how Japanese cultural concepts like '我慢' and '頑張る' have become part of your personal narrative?

The catch is that many of us follow these scripts without questioning if they truly serve our best interests or reflect our authentic selves.

Now, don't get me wrong - some of these early-life decisions  aren't inherently positive or negative, and can be pretty awesome. The impact often depends on how we interpret and act on them. My own experience provides an interesting example. My life script revolves around a genuine love for people and a desire to help others. While this sounds admirable, here is a plot twist: I found myself prioritizing others' needs to such an extent that I neglected my own well-being.  It's like being on an airplane and trying to help everyone with their oxygen masks before securing your own - ultimately unsustainable and potentially harmful.This pattern continued until I reached my 40s, when I realized the importance of self-care. It became clear that taking care of myself wasn't selfish, but rather a necessary foundation for effectively helping others. This realization marked a significant shift in how I approached both my personal and professional life. 

Adjusting Your Script for a Fulfilling Life

The exciting part is that you have the power to modify your life script. This isn't about discarding your values or cultural identity, but examining your ingrained patterns and considering whether they align with your well-being and aspirations. Adjusting your life script is a journey of self-discovery. It's about finding balance between societal expectations and personal goals, steering your own course while respecting your roots and the flow of life around you. By making conscious choices that align with your true self, you create a more satisfying life and career.

As you consider your next steps, ask yourself: Could rewriting parts of your life script lead to a more fulfilling career? Are you ready to join a team that values your growth as much as your contributions?

Challenging the Status Quo

At our startup, we're not just revolutionizing healthcare for women experiencing menopause – we're challenging the status quo in how we approach work and personal growth. We believe that by joining our team, you have a unique opportunity to reassess and rewrite your life script.

Picture a workplace where challenging your limits is the norm. Where your innovative ideas could impact millions of lives. Where your personal growth is as crucial as your KPIs. That's the HerLifeLab experience.

Realizing Your True Goals

As you consider your next career move, reflect on your life script:

  • What parts of your current path feel authentic, and what parts feel prescribed by others?
  • How do your career choices align with your personal values and passions?
  • What would your ideal work-life balance look like without societal constraints?

We're seeking individuals who are curious about their potential, eager to contribute meaningfully to society, and open to personal and professional growth. At HerLifeLab, you'll have the opportunity to shape your career while being part of a mission that improves lives.

Your life script is not set in stone. With awareness and courage, you can rewrite it to create a future that resonates with your aspirations and values. Are you ready to explore this path of self-discovery and impactful work?

Join us at HerLifeLab, where we're not just innovating in healthcare - we're nurturing the growth of each team member. Together, let's write a new chapter in your life story and in the future of women's health.












私の人生脚本は、① 人に対する純粋な愛と、② 他人を助けたいという願望を中心に展開しています。


実は私は他人のニーズを優先するあまり、自分自身の幸福をないがしろにしていることがよくあります。 例えて言うなら、飛行機の中で、自分に酸素マスクをつけないまま、みんなを助けようとするようなものです。自己犠牲と言われればそうなのですが、本当に人を助けたいという想いが人一倍強くあります。






自分の価値観や文化的アイデンティティを捨てるということではなく、自分に染みついたパターンをよく理解し、それが自分の幸福や願望と一致しているかどうかを考えることで、 人生脚本を調整することは、自分探しの旅にもなります。




  • 今の人生、本当に自分の望む道を歩んでる?
  • 仕事の選択、自分の価値観や情熱と合ってる?
  • 理想の仕事とプライベートのバランス、どんな感じ?









  • 現在の進路のどの部分が自分の選択だと感じ、どの部分が他人によって影響されたと感じますか?
  • 自分のキャリアの選択は、自分の価値観や情熱とどのように一致しているのか?
  • 社会的制約のない理想的なワークライフバランスとはどのようなものだろうか?




患者一人ひとりに寄り添い、自分に合った治療を受けられる「更年期オンライン診療サービス Vivalle (ビバエル)」を提供しています。


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