
#WantedlyMeetup Recap: The hottest Tools in HR

Exciting times are happening with plenty of amazing new HR tools and tech out on the market. However, taking the time to test and implement new tech into existing processes is a luxury many cannot afford.

In last week's Meetup we zoomed in on three of the most interesting trends: AI, automization and culture monitoring. For this, we invited teams we are big fans of ourselvses that provide solutions for each of those sectors. Here are the key takeaways:

Getting real-time data on your employee's satisfaction

Kurtis Morrison from Bunch.ai started the round with insights on their newest way of building a team culture matrix. Since surveys often take weeks or even months to show actual results, his team focuses on building a language screening AI that analyzes written information according to pre-set cultural markers. That means any team could have their Slack chats, Glassdoor reviews, e-Mail communication etc. put under the looking glass of Kurtises' program and determine the actual state of their team culture. Bunch.ai is planning on helping companies improve their culture according to their findings as well.

Reducing stress with broad automation solutions

Next up was David Padilla from OrgOS speaking about how the current mess of difficult processes can keep your employees from thriving at their daily work.

Him and his team have set out to create "... a world where every individual is empowered to constantly grow." The solution is simple: Provide a comprehensive, personalized plattform that makes it faster to connect and finish all the tedious operative tasks taking time from each of your employees work. That means only one tool to manage everything from holidays, sick leave, satisfaction surveys, educational programs, KPIs, recruiting, payroll, benefits... pretty much anything you want to pack in there. It would certainly save your team mates some serious login time trying to remember the passwords for each service you are using right now.

Applying successful customer service practises to your talent retention management

Our last speakers of the night were Ewa Anweiler and Martin Daniel from Peakon. Their team has developed one of the largest employee engagement platforms currently available on the market. Peakon's principles reflect not only in their own team work, but also in their service:

  • People first
  • Continuous listening
  • Empowering managers
  • Evidence based people decisions
  • People are more alike than they differ

According to Ewa and Martin, gathering viable data through regular, easy-to-reply surveys is the key to track your employee's engagement, pinpoint problems and make decisions on improvements. For example, they found out that most quitters do not leave a bad team, they leave bad managers. With broad experience and a pretty successful team culture of their own, Peakon might be your right-hand-service in making (or keeping) your team mates happy.

Summary: "Don't fuck up the culture."

As Peter Thiel already advised to Brian Chesky and his early AirBnB team, team culture is one of if not the most important factor for the long-term succsess of a company. Even though all of the speakers have a different approach on how to improve the efficiency of your team, the point of improving culture and employee satisfaction plays a key role for all of them.

Personally I think that every HR manager should have a close look on how to monitor and manage their own team culture. That means throwing out more benefits or raising salary is not enough for retention measures. If you want to build and maintain a well working team, you may start by putting your culture on top of your KPIs.

Thanks again to all the speakers, participants and everyone who contributed to the discussion! If you're interested in getting the presentation slides from everyone, or if you need help determining and communicating your team USPs to potential job seekers, feel free to send an email to lisa@wantedly.com. Else you are welcome to join our active community and sign up for our next event!

Coming up:

Company Culture - and now? How to really live up to your brand.
Defining a Company Culture is challenging as it is, but living up to your EVP, values and claimed culture is an even more daunting task. While your Employer Brand should always reflect reality in your company, there should always be a strategic component