No one saves us but ourselves. We ourselves must walk the path.

I'm Andree, a software developer living in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have professional experience in full-stack mobile application development, spanning across platforms and programming languages.

Arcterus, Japan4 years

Mobile Application Developer


Developed and maintained iOS and Android applications for our core service. The systems were written in Java, Swift and Objective-C.

CSIRO, Australia4 months



Developed data conversion tools in C++ to support inter-operability between modern and legacy systems owned by the organization.

BPPT, Indonesia1 year

Programmer and Research Assistant


Responsible for the R&D of an early prototype of an Automated Fingerprint Identification System. The system was built with a combination of Ruby and bare C for performance critical section.

Three Brothers, Germany6 months

Web Application Developer(Intern)


Developed an early prototype of a web-based Karaoke game with PHP, Symfony, and JQuery.

Indosat, Indonesia6 months

Web Application Developer(Intern)


Developed a system to manage employee training records with PHP, CodeIgniter, and ExtJS.


  • Kotlin

  • Ruby

  • Swift

  • iOS

  • Android

  • Objective-C, Git, Java

Accomplishments / Portfolio

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