
I'm seeking web engineer job. Let me introduce.

My github and the others sites (Japanese) about programming is Here.


What I did

Since my childhood, I love nature and also machines. Sometime I went cycling and climbing. Sometime I watched Mecha anime such as Gundam Seed. And sometime I disassembled and assembled appliances machines. In my high school, I chose biology as major.

In my university and couses, I mainly studied biology and also machinery for agriculture. And I belonged to Agriculture Production System Engineering lab. My graduation thesis was about how to detect crow row among weed for automatic weeding machine. For the study, I used C++ and OpenCV.

After graduation with B.Agr, I worked at egg company. but because of problem, I quited the job in 1 and half year. After that, I went to Australia with working holiday visa and stayed for 9 month. But I studied programming all the time in that stay.

Why I chose programming

In the univ days, I studied HTML and CSS for my blog. And when I got bored with studying C++, I studied GPS by hacking PokemonGo and invested 10000yen in Bitcoin to study block-chain. In these way, I studied everything whatever I got instersted.

Now I'm interested in the technology to build website such as sns and blog. That's why I'm studying Java and Ruby. And also in the case of these languages, I can study easily if only use web browser. This advantage of these language is very good and convenient for me, especially self-leaner.

How I study

Basically I'm using technical books, official document about languages and websites for study such as progate and dotinstall. Especial when I study C++, I was in agriculuturre department and there was no teacher and student to know welll programming.

But when I studied Ruby at the first 2 month, A japanese web engineer taught me the ruby and the other techs. After the 2 month, I made some web applications to understand more.

Now, I'm studying Java and using books and dotinstall.

What I want to do

In short term

In additon to study Java and SpringBoot, I will study algorithm and security by studying some certification examination for web engineer. Actually I'm insterested in Golang( for Distributed processing ) and Python ( for machine lerning and image processing). Additionary I want to learn cloud techs such as Azure, GCP, AWS.

Medium to long term

I think the way to use internet will change to smart glass and xR devises (Hololens, Oculus, Vive) from smartphone someday. To adopt that changes, I want to study everyting ( old and new, front-end and back-end, 2D and 3D,,,) regardless of my major.

Some days ago, I joined CETEC2019 and Tokyo Motor show and watched some new technology for Society5.0 and Maas. And I used some Microsoft Hololense1 and HTC Vive. These was so fantastic and I thought I want to bulid apps for them lol. Next monthi I will join XR Kaigi in Tokyo.

And I am going to get the Master degree of Computer Science in the future.

About recruiting

As you can see, I am too much far from "Ready-to-use". I will keep studying programming all the time by myself. Of course I cannot select company freely to work. But I seriously want offer form you to work as web engineer. I will study and work harder then any other engineers.

I appreciate for your reading this long post. I'm waiting for good news from you.