Kimiko Motoyama


It's not how many times you get knocked down that count, it's how many times you get back up. -George A. Custer

I started learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while working on jobs mainly as an English teacher in Osaka, Japan. I decided to pursue my career in programming and moved to Tokyo, and attended an advanced coding bootcamp, where I built numerous full stack projects using the following technologies:

  • Zenni

    Crowdsourced Disaster Relief Mapping UI designer, Dev Ops, React Native programmer · - Fixed bugs and requirements necessary from App Store reviews - Setup of deploying to the App Store - UI/UX of the Details page that shows information about each disaster-related pin - Created the boilerplate, features, and the page navigation of the app Zenni is a mobile application for crowdsourced disaster relief mapping. It allows its users to pin key locations representing help, obstructions, and danger. All information is updated and maintained in real time.


In the future

● ハッカーになること ● アプリをリリースする事 ● エッセイを出版する事 ● ボイストレーニングを受けて、カラオケ大会に出る事


  • ポジティブ志向

  • 猫好き

  • 天然力

  • タイピングが早い

  • 英語(ネイティブ)

  • 学習欲, 努力家 , コツコツ型 and 21 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio

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