
So, you want to work in Japan?

Following the COVID-19 pandemic and the international border closures, Japan is finally reopening its borders fully for foreign visitors in October 2022. The pandemic brought the world to a virtual standstill, and new modalities in how we work and live were accelerated: remote work, work-from-home arrangements, and Zoom calls became part of our everyday new normal.

That being said, with international borders opening up again, there is no reason why you should remain where you have always been – the world is calling, and for many of us, it’s time to seek new horizons, where work and new experiences can be combined as we begin to explore all the world, has to offer once again.

Asia is where it’s all at right now – with all the turmoil and uncertainty in other areas of the world, and there is relative stability and prosperity here; companies are expanding exponentially and in need of qualified professionals from all over the world in the IT, media, education, finance, hospitality, and other sectors, especially in one of the region’s most stable and established economies – Japan.

Japan has everything – a fascinating history, a rich culture, sophisticated cities, amazing back-to-nature rural places, great food, and warm, friendly people. Many overseas visitors have come to Japan and fallen in love with life here and ended up staying and working for a few – or many years.

If you are English-speaking information technology (IT) professional, you can find work in Japan! The digital industry is booming, and companies here are always on the lookout for web developers and IT engineers in Japan. And unlike many other job opportunities in Japan, IT jobs require minimal knowledge of Japanese. Of course, if you are interested in learning Japanese, you will likely be more successful being immersed in Japanese culture and work practices as part of your daily life. Japanese work culture has also been changing very fast, and with cultural diversity improving by the day, Japanese companies are becoming increasingly foreigner friendly.

Japanese Tech Job boards on specialist sites such as EJable are a good place to begin searching for employment in Japan. And if you live in countries such as the UK, US, Australia, or India and can speak Japanese, employers are looking for you right now in your respective countries too.

Of course, there are many considerations involved in relocating to Japan, not least of all the language barrier and a markedly different way of working, but if you keep an open mind and have a genuine desire to learn about Japanese life and culture, you will be richly rewarded for your efforts. Japan is one of the safest places in the world to work and live in. Moreover, as compared to all other countries, Japan has the easiest visa processing. Especially if you are in the information technology domain, then the engineering visa in Japan is very easy to get if you have any company willing to sponsor your work permit.

So, if you are thinking of visiting Japan, why not consider going a step further and consider living and working here? This could be the start of the next amazing chapter in your life.