Julien Ergan

Morph / Software developerShibuya

Julien Ergan

Morph / Software developer

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Morph1 year

Software developerPresent

- Present

Morph - Your All-in-One Data Studio. https://www.morphdb.io/

About 株式会社Queue

株式会社Queue3 years

Software DeveloperPresent

- Present

Queue, Inc. is an engineering collective of software developers, computer science researchers and community managers.

Le Wagon

Computer programming / Full-stack web development

Graduated from Le Wagon Tokyo (Batch #394) from 6 April 2020 until 5 June 2020.

  • OneBite

    - A Web App to support learners complete their online courses OneBite at a time. - Learners can find the best courses from the best online learning platforms, easily schedule their lessons using Google calendar, track their progress, and stay motivated by competiting with their friends. - A key feature is the use of API to automatically update the user's experience points on Duolingo (language learning app).

  • Jimotrip

    - A Web App for tourists to find authentic and original experiences with local guides.

Yokohama International Education Academy (横浜国際教育学院) (Yokohama, Japan)

Japanese language

Yokohama International Education Academy (YIEA) in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.

Scottish Water (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)4 years



Strategic Planner - Wastewater Resilience (Sep 2016 – Dec 2017 - 1 yr 4 mos) ▪ In charge of defining what “resilience” might mean for Scottish Water wastewater services.

Cranfield University (Bedfordshire, UK)

MSc Water Management

▪ Modules included - Managing and financing water and wastewater, Heath sanitation and wastewater management, Water quality monitoring, Research Processes.

Ecole nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France)

Master of Engineering (MEng) in Water and Environmental Engineering

▪ Modules - Hydraulics, Designing water and wastewater networks and treatment processes, Groundwater and Surface water Hydrology, Environment and Ecology, Law, Economics and Management. ▪ MEng 4th year internship - Assessment of the solid waste collection management in the rural town of Saa, Cameroon

Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) (Maputo, Mozambique, Africa)4 months

Environmental Consultant Intern (MSc Thesis)


▪ MSc Thesis: Assessing the degree of faecal contamination in six low-income districts of Maputo city ▪ Academic supervisor considered the new input “as the most promising development in the research that has been performed in this context in the last two years”

Institut Régional de Coopération et Développement (IRCOD) (Saa, Cameroon, Africa)4 months

Environmental Consultant Intern (MEng 4th year intenship)


▪ Reviewed the solid waste collection system in the rural town of Saa, Cameroon. ▪ Presented the results to the local authorities and French funders to support future decision making.

Lycée Chateaubriand (Rennes, France)

Preparatory classes for the national competitive entry exams to the French ‘Grandes Écoles’

▪ National competitive exams with a 2-year program in: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, English and French/Philosophy. ▪ Overall grade: A


  • git

    • 石田 佑介

    Recommended by 石田 佑介

  • GitHub

    • 石田 佑介

    Recommended by 石田 佑介

  • UI Design

    • 石田 佑介

    Recommended by 石田 佑介

  • Prototyping

    • 石田 佑介

    Recommended by 石田 佑介

  • Wireframing

    • 石田 佑介

    Recommended by 石田 佑介

  • Javascript, Bootstrap, Relational Database and 14 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Conversational
  • French - Native

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