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Boost your IT career, w/ teaching!


on 2023-01-05


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Boost your IT career, w/ teaching!

Expanding business abroad
Expanding business abroad

Joei Kiyooka

World Wide Wings Co., Ltd. CEO & Co-Founder。 大学在学時、SwedenにあるInterntional Business Schoolに1年間留学。 世界の中での日本の存在感を実感する一方、日本人の国際舞台でのコミュニケーション能力の欠如がもたらす今後の影響に危機感を覚える。他方英語習得におけるプロセスは、必ずしも留学という環境が必須ではなく、日本で再現が可能であると実感。 大学卒業後、外航海運会社にて主に第三国間貿易に5年間従事。 その後自身の英語習得やインターナショナルスクールでのアルバイト経験をベースに、目黒区にてWorld Wide Wings Co., Ltd.を設立。 〜日本のバイリンガル不足解消に。〜 私の会社では第二言語習得におけるベストソリューションの提供をミッションとし、世界で活躍する日本人が当たり前の世の中を目指します。 プリスクーラーから社会人まで、徹底的に'英語接触量'を重視したサービスをステージに合わせて提供します。 プリスクール・英会話学童 Wings Kids Family 社会人向け英会話 W-ISH CAFE 【趣味】 野球、ゴルフ、バレーボール、スキューバダイビング、ジョギング

清岡 由香

1987年の秋、初めて自分の赤ちゃんを胸に抱きました。生まれたての我が子を手にした時、大きな感動でその手が震えたことを今でもはっきり覚えています。 ​その後、何もできなかった赤ちゃんが、どんどん物を覚え、私の声がけに反応するようになり、急速に成長していきます。成長の速さに驚き、その瞬間を目の当たりにするにつけ、今度は親としての責任を重く感じる様になりました。 ​どのように教育すれば我が子は幸せになるのだろうかと真剣に考える様になり、その時、七田真先生とお話する機会を得、幼児教育に携わるようになりました。我が子も教室の子供達も、漢字や数式、俳句や詩でも、楽しければどんどん吸収し、周りの大人を驚かせてしまうのを目の当たりにする日々でした。子供達のポテンシャルの大きさを実感した最初の体験です。 では英語教育についてはどうなのか。結婚前より、2言語、3言語を話す人たちと一緒に仕事をしていた経験から、高度な英語教育を受けている日本人が、何故英語に対して苦手意識が強いのか、大きな疑問を感じていました。受験英語ではなく、自由にコミュニケーションができる英語を身につけることが肝心、とは誰しもが思うところではないでしょうか? ​大手英語教育事業で、幼児〜児童期向けのカリキュラム制作責任者を経験しました。バイリンガル教育について著名な先生の本や講演などに触れ、また脳科学者による研修等で勉強させて頂きながら取り組みました。そして、北海道から兵庫県まで英語教育の現場で多くの子供達に接し、「年齢」「接触量」「環境」の3項目が適切な条件で揃うと、どの子も自然と英語を身につけることが可能である事を体験しました。 ​これらの体験により、子供達が日本語を犠牲にすることなく、日本の幼稚園、保育園、小学校に行きながら、「ことばとしての英語」を身につけることが可能な英会話スクールの誕生が必要だと考えてきました。日本の子供達にとって、できる限り多くの英語量に接する環境、まるで英語を話す家族と暮らす留学先のホームステイのような環境が、近所にあればどんなに素晴らしいだろうと願ってきました。 ​そのような強い想いからWings Kids Familyが誕生しました。私達スタッフの長年の経験と知識を凝縮した集大成の英語プログラムです。 ​私自身もワーキングマザーとして2人の子育てを経験してきました。その様な体験を通し、「ママの子育サポート」をしながら地域貢献に根付いた英語教育機関を目指します。 WingsKidsFamilyのスタッフは、言語として多様なバックグラウンドをもっていますが英語と日本語の両方を話し「子供と英語教育」分野での経験者です。そして、何より子供達への愛情が深く、英語教育への熱い思いを持っています。 どうぞ、是非一度スクール見学をして頂き私達に会って下さい。お会いできる日を楽しみにしています。

Belle Yakata

アメリカ人の父、日本人の母の下、アメリカで生まれ高校までアメリカで育つ。 小学生時には、夏休み期間中に来日し、日本語保持の為、日本の小学校で日本語を学ぶ。 大学から来日し、上智大学を卒業。 卒業後はWorld Wide Wings Co., Ltdに入社し、現在Supervisorとして現場を統括する。

富沢 天晴

早稲田大学の国際教養学部に在学中です。 現在はフルスタックエンジニアとして働いていて、プログラミングは独学で学びました。 言語で言うと今はTypeScriptが一番得意です。 あと、趣味でArch Linuxを使ってみようと試みています。

株式会社ワールドワイドウィングス's members

World Wide Wings Co., Ltd. CEO & Co-Founder。 大学在学時、SwedenにあるInterntional Business Schoolに1年間留学。 世界の中での日本の存在感を実感する一方、日本人の国際舞台でのコミュニケーション能力の欠如がもたらす今後の影響に危機感を覚える。他方英語習得におけるプロセスは、必ずしも留学という環境が必須ではなく、日本で再現が可能であると実感。 大学卒業後、外航海運会社にて主に第三国間貿易に5年間従事。 その後自身の英語習得やインターナショナルスクールでのアルバイト経験をベースに、目黒区にてWorld Wide W...

What we do

■ Who We Are World Wide Wings Co., Ltd., provides an English Education service for 2.5-8.0-year-old Kids, named Wings Kids Family. Wings Kids Family is located near Ikejiri Ohashi St. in Meguro-Ku and is a new type of English school that provides early English education in Japan. These days 8-10 teachers take care of about 40-50 kids every day. Our business model correlates with Japan's social issue that is a lack of public child care services performing as a pre-school, and afterschool program. This structure of our business model increases the amount of children's exposure to English so that they stay in our school for an average of about 50-60 hours a month. The English levels of our students show obvious improvements; especially compared to general English levels in Japan. As of Jan. 2019, more than 140 students are learning English at our school in total. And also, we have started lessons for adults with a similar style as Wings Kids Family, named W-ISH CAFE so you can work for adults if you are interested in it (*this business is temporarily suspended due to the spread of coronavirus infection). You can see our staff's comments from the website link about how they feel working at our school. Our official HP:

What we do

■ Who We Are World Wide Wings Co., Ltd., provides an English Education service for 2.5-8.0-year-old Kids, named Wings Kids Family. Wings Kids Family is located near Ikejiri Ohashi St. in Meguro-Ku and is a new type of English school that provides early English education in Japan. These days 8-10 teachers take care of about 40-50 kids every day. Our business model correlates with Japan's social issue that is a lack of public child care services performing as a pre-school, and afterschool program. This structure of our business model increases the amount of children's exposure to English so that they stay in our school for an average of about 50-60 hours a month. The English levels of our students show obvious improvements; especially compared to general English levels in Japan. As of Jan. 2019, more than 140 students are learning English at our school in total. And also, we have started lessons for adults with a similar style as Wings Kids Family, named W-ISH CAFE so you can work for adults if you are interested in it (*this business is temporarily suspended due to the spread of coronavirus infection). You can see our staff's comments from the website link about how they feel working at our school. Our official HP:

Why we do

■ To expand kids' marvelous potential for their future In the years to come, it will be much more important than nowadays to view things from a global perspective. Our goal is to create an environment in which our kids can learn English in a way that will prepare them to be active members of a global society and to develop the kind of global-mindedness that will lead them into the future. ■ A Comprehensive Approach to Educational Issues in Japan Today, there are some social educational issues in Japan: Japan's low level of English proficiency in the global market, and the Isolation of mothers as the nuclear family continues to grow. Japan's current education system has many problems, not the least of which is English. It goes without saying that we are committed to English education, but it is also important for us to have a higher perspective and to take a serious look at the educational issues that Japan is facing today. ■ Rewarding Experience for teachers as well At World Wide Wings, not only the children's visible English proficiency but also their growth as a person turns into a great reward and motivation for you with this job. The daily mixture of relaxed classes and fun activities makes each day something to look forward to for both teachers and students alike, and a lot of teachers actually say that they are learning more from the kids than kids are learning from them. Helping the children widen the view that they see and grow their world will be even something that changes the world you see.

How we do

■ Amazing teachers from all over the world We believe that a teacher has a great impact on children. Therefore, when hiring teachers, we look for a teacher who sympathizes with our vision and who has a personal philosophy on language learning. We currently have teachers from more than 10 countries, including Malaysia, Germany, and Bangladesh, as well as the US and the UK, regardless of nationality or color. We also have a large number of excellent teachers with academic backgrounds such as graduates from the University of London and New York University, former lawyers, former government officials, and former employees of major financial institutions, etc. ■ Amusement Oriented Environment Children are most motivated when they are "having fun". Teachers must always be the best entertainers they can be to create a fun environment for them. We have added a "Be Silly" section to our personnel evaluation process and are committed to keeping our school children interested and entertained. This kind of attitude is not only for the children but also for our teachers. Even though we come from a variety of backgrounds, we are able to frankly exchange ideas with each other across any boundaries.

As a new team member

【Job description】 We would like to hire a full-stack developer both as a developer and an English teacher. (Job type: Full-time worker) In this position, as an engineer, you will be building and designing an internal system that will be used by over 60 foreign staff members and 250 students. Since you will be also working as an English teacher, you can identify issues, formulate solutions, implement them as one of the users of the system you designed. For more information, please check our full-stack developer, Mike’s story from the link below! Also, check the link below to see more information about an English teacher. 【Qualifications】 ・HTML/CSS ・JavaScript/TypeScript ・native-level English competence 【Preferred Technical Skills】 ・React/Redux ・Node.js (Express/NestJS) ・GCP (GAE) 【Language】 ・Fluently communicate in English 【Company information】 -LOCATION- Ikejiri Ohashi, Tokyo, Japan (approximately 2-minutes walk by Ikejiri Ohashi Station) -WORK SCHEDULE- ・9 hours between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays (including an hour of break) ・Two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday)  -MEMBERS- ・Over 60 teachers and staff members from more than 15 countries ・11 interns ・3 members in IT team 【Attraction of working at the company】 - A friendly and welcoming workplace environment - You can be really creative while being involved in every step of the process - You have control over code and design - As an in-house service, you will receive direct feedback from teachers and students (sometimes within several hours!), making it really easy to see the results - Wide variety of areas you can work on (frontend, backend, design, UI, etc.) - Your opinions and ideas will be always taken into consideration - You will get to see children growing up and developing their English skills! If you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact us!
2 recommendations

2 recommendations

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Founded on 09/2014

44 members

  • Expanding business abroad/

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