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Influencer marketing | Internship

Digital Marketer

on 2022-01-20


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Influencer marketing | Internship

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Alissa Miky

三木アリッサ MISAKY.TOKYO(ミサキ・トーキョー)CEO Forbes JAPAN 「地球で耀く女性100人」最年少選抜(2018)/ Business Insider Japan 「Game Changer 2019」選出メンバーの一人 1992年NY生まれ。アーティストとして受賞歴も多く活躍する母が、ビジネスで苦戦している姿を見て、アーティストや職人が経済的にも豊かになるような世界をつくるべく起業家を目指す。 早稲田大学法学部在籍中にプリザーブドフラワー専門ブランド立ち上げに参画し、楽天ナンバーワンブランドに成長させ、卒業後外資系メーカーにて初の学部卒マーケターとしてCRMを担当。 その後、日本酒ベンチャーで新ブランド立ち上げや、藤巻百貨店の新規事業立ち上げに寄与。また、イスラエル専門商社にて、新規事業開発マネージャーとして、過去最高売上を半年で達成。 2019年11月に「MISAKY.TOKYO(ミサキ・トーキョー)」をロサンゼルスでローンチ。1億9千万人超のフォロワーを持つセレブ”キム・カーダシアン”とのコラボや、アカデミー賞・エミー賞前夜祭での提供(全米30社しか選ばないうちの1社、アジア人唯一)、TikTokフォロワー27万人(累計動画再生回数2800万回)を持つなど、創業2年わずかながらアメリカで実績をつけている。 現在、個人としてもアメリカでインフルエンサーとして活動。日本人唯一で、世界でも21組しか選ばれないClubHouse公式クリエイターに選ばれた。日本でも日テレ「真相報道!バンキシャ」のコメンテーターなどで活躍している。 ーーー ●執筆 ・FNNプライム(」※ヤフーニュース、gooニュース、LINEニュースなどにも転載 ・ワイヤレスワイヤーニュース(」 ・Newspicks 「テクノロジーの未来」オススメピッカー ●目標 「日本の職人さんを、海外で活躍させてあげること」

Meg Shimizu

2020/10〜 Misaky.TokyoにてFull time勤務 - Brand Manager 経歴 2019/6  Vegan Fashion Weekマーケティングインターンジョイン 2019/12 カルフォルニア州Woodbury Universityマーケティング専攻グラフックデザイン副専攻卒業 2020/03 Misaky.Tokyoジョイン

Mayu Mizoguchi

2021/05- Misaky.TokyoにてFull time勤務 - Shipping operation - Ads operation - Website optimization (Shopify) 経歴 2020/10 - 2021/05 Go Ride, Inc. (広告運用, Website optimization) 2017/11 - 2019/08 株式会社Loco Partners (SNSマーケ→社長室→HR)

Misaky.Tokyo's members

三木アリッサ MISAKY.TOKYO(ミサキ・トーキョー)CEO Forbes JAPAN 「地球で耀く女性100人」最年少選抜(2018)/ Business Insider Japan 「Game Changer 2019」選出メンバーの一人 1992年NY生まれ。アーティストとして受賞歴も多く活躍する母が、ビジネスで苦戦している姿を見て、アーティストや職人が経済的にも豊かになるような世界をつくるべく起業家を目指す。 早稲田大学法学部在籍中にプリザーブドフラワー専門ブランド立ち上げに参画し、楽天ナンバーワンブランドに成長させ、卒業後外資系メーカーにて初の学部卒マーケターとしてC...

What we do is a Food Tech startup that was founded in Los Angeles in September 2019. Misaky.Tokyo is our representative brand at and has achieved the following results since the foundation; What we offer ”Misaky'' means Beautiful Future in Japanese. In order to create a sustainable society through sweets, we sell vegan, gluten-free, and additive-free sweets via e-commerce. Our achievement ・Served our products as the only Asian vendor to the exhibition of Academy Awards and Emmy Awards. ・Collaborated with Kim Kardashian for KKW Fragrance. ・Sold our products for the DreamWorks headquarters, one of the top 10 film production companies in the US. Media achievement ・Listed on the most prominent food magazine “bon appetit” ・Gained more than 290K followers on TikTok

What we do is a Food Tech startup that was founded in Los Angeles in September 2019. Misaky.Tokyo is our representative brand at and has achieved the following results since the foundation; What we offer ”Misaky'' means Beautiful Future in Japanese. In order to create a sustainable society through sweets, we sell vegan, gluten-free, and additive-free sweets via e-commerce. Our achievement ・Served our products as the only Asian vendor to the exhibition of Academy Awards and Emmy Awards. ・Collaborated with Kim Kardashian for KKW Fragrance. ・Sold our products for the DreamWorks headquarters, one of the top 10 film production companies in the US. Media achievement ・Listed on the most prominent food magazine “bon appetit” ・Gained more than 290K followers on TikTok

Why we do

Our mission Our founder and CEO, Miky started her own business seven years ago inspired by her mother, who was a promising artist of ceramics and received a number of awards. Even though her mother had talents, Miky had seen her mother struggling financially as an artist. Artists and craftsmen create amazing works but many of them find it difficult to make a living due to the lack of the management of their talents. So what if we manage their unique talents like other industries such as entertainment where there are agencies to manage their artists or celebrities? This motivated Miky to create a better world for artists or traditional crafts professionals without relying on the government or subsidy and led her to launch

How we do

Our Team We are a group of people with diverse backgrounds and highly motivated to grow to achieve our missions. Our CEO; Alissa Alissa is a social entrepreneur and was selected as the youngest awardee of Forbes Japan 100 Women 2018 followed up by Business Insider Japan’s “Game Changer 2019”. During her college at Waseda University, she helped and launched a preserved flowers brand and led this brand to the No.1 sales within the Rakuten e-commerce platform. After graduation, she started her career at Nestle as the youngest marketer and then joined an Israeli trading company where she achieved the highest sales in six months as a manager of a new business development team. Now she founded in Los Angeles and brought Misaky to provide an exhibition at the Oscars and Emmy Awards within two years, Our Project Manager; Meg After graduating from a US-based college, Meg interned at one of the largest vegan events in the US, Vegan Fashion Week. A former intern: She received job offers from two of Big4 companies after working at several internships, despite the fact that it is almost impossible to get a job in the U.S. as an international student from Japan with a liberal arts background.

As a new team member

Your responsibilities: Creating content, including text posts, videos, and images for use on social media. Reach out to influencers through TikTok and Instagram to create collaboration videos. Conduct Marketing of our products to increase brand exposure of Misaky. Getting in touch with clients and social media influencers constantly Keeping track of data and analyzing the performance of social media campaigns 〇 Minimum skills  ・Google Document  ・Google Spreadsheet  ・Can use Instagram and TikTok 〇 Preferable skills  ・Open communication  ・Independent learner with a highly motivated person  ・Positive thinking 〇 Job description  ・5H~ per week  ・full-remote
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    Company info

    Founded on 09/2019

    • Expanding business abroad/
    • Average age of employees in 20s/