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on 2021-02-25


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How to: Tech Venture Internship!


17:00 ~
Online meetup
at エボラニ株式会社 - Online meetup

Christian Forestell

Canadian living in Yokohama. Equal parts father, entrepreneur, spice aficionado and sci-fi geek.

Song Yu

中国出身。好きな言葉は「ありのままで」 95年からプログラミングを独学、学生時代に人材・物販・旅行・飲食・ITなど多業界で最大~150人規模の連続起業。 2005年来日後に、大手向けのパッケージメーカーのドリコム・アーツに入社し、インフラから初め、2年目から主力プロダクトのPMとして活躍し、会社出費でMBA授業に参加。2009年孫泰蔵氏直下でのPMOを経って、ゲーム会社、海外の開発会社を1社ずつ起業。PHP・NodeJS・ J2EE・OBJC(iOS)・Android・Lua・C++・Ruby・Python・Perl・Groovy・HTML5・CSS3・JS・Flash(AS)など10数種類の開発言語を駆使し、日米向けに100数十本の企業用/2CのWEBサービス/アプリ/ECサイト/ゲーム/OSS等を遂行。 2018年にエボラニを創業。同年LINEやD4V(米IDEO fund)から出資を受け、同領域で唯一LINEから出資を受けたStartUpとなって、3年目に主力製品のanybotは国内外の大手からスモールまで延べ3,000社以上が登録。同時に社会貢献のため、Anybot Protectなどをコロナで苦しむ企業に無償提供するなど。

Kousei Riku

Hosting members

Canadian living in Yokohama. Equal parts father, entrepreneur, spice aficionado and sci-fi geek.

Why we host

Thank you for your interest in Evolany’s “How to: Tech Venture Internship!” meetup, we hope you enjoy yourself and learn a lot! If you’re an English-speaking, Japan-based college or university student who is interested in IT, new technologies, or working with a Venture Company, this meetup is for you! And no worries if your English isn’t perfect. We’ve planned our presentation with ESL students in mind, and will include Japanese explanations wherever possible. If you're not a student but are still interested in working as an intern, or are looking for an entry level job with a Tech Venture, please feel free to join! This meetup will focus on 3 main areas: ▶I. Miniapps First, we’ll learn a bit about Evolany, our product anybot, and the evolution of miniapps in the Japanese market. ▶II. Interning with us! Next we’ll look at a day in the life of a few Evolany interns, and compare how internships with Venture companies are different from internships with established companies. ▶III. Getting an Intern job with a Tech Venture or Start-up company Lastly, we’ll go over some strategies for landing an internship with a Venture or Start-Up company. These strategies will be presented as a series of simple, practical tips & tricks to give intern seekers a sense of what hiring managers are looking for. For example: tip 1: Ask great questions! Great questions prove to the interviewer that you’ve done your homework. They also show us how you think. But guess what? Great questions often help us out directly, by pointing out inconsistent wording or vague content on our marketing materials or websites.
We often have office events and parties. Here's a shot from last Halloween.
Old School games: Lunch time Street Fighter II! Shacho Vs. Lead Engineer.

What we'll do

*all times are approximations. The total meetup time will be about 40 mins - 1 hour. ▶Agenda I. learning about miniapps (10 minutes) II. interning with Evolany (20 minutes) III. Getting an Intern job with a Tech Venture or Start-up company (10 minutes) IV. Q&A (10 - 20 minutes) ▶Venue: online (ZOOM) ▶About the Speaker The event will be hosted by Christian Forestell, Evolany Co-founder. With work experience spanning Entrepreneurialism, Consulting, and Recruitment, and an educational background in Architecture, Christian’s career has consistently blurred the lines between business, technology and design. In his free time he enjoys cooking, baking bread, cycling, annoying his family, reading, and writing. He intends on being a novelist when he grows up. We hope to see you soon - and hey, feel free to invite your friends. The more the merrier!

Why we host

We often have office events and parties. Here's a shot from last Halloween.

Old School games: Lunch time Street Fighter II! Shacho Vs. Lead Engineer.

Thank you for your interest in Evolany’s “How to: Tech Venture Internship!” meetup, we hope you enjoy yourself and learn a lot! If you’re an English-speaking, Japan-based college or university student who is interested in IT, new technologies, or working with a Venture Company, this meetup is for you! And no worries if your English isn’t perfect. We’ve planned our presentation with ESL students in mind, and will include Japanese explanations wherever possible. If you're not a student but are still interested in working as an intern, or are looking for an entry level job with a Tech Venture, please feel free to join! This meetup will focus on 3 main areas: ▶I. Miniapps First, we’ll learn a bit about Evolany, our product anybot, and the evolution of miniapps in the Japanese market. ▶II. Interning with us! Next we’ll look at a day in the life of a few Evolany interns, and compare how internships with Venture companies are different from internships with established companies. ▶III. Getting an Intern job with a Tech Venture or Start-up company Lastly, we’ll go over some strategies for landing an internship with a Venture or Start-Up company. These strategies will be presented as a series of simple, practical tips & tricks to give intern seekers a sense of what hiring managers are looking for. For example: tip 1: Ask great questions! Great questions prove to the interviewer that you’ve done your homework. They also show us how you think. But guess what? Great questions often help us out directly, by pointing out inconsistent wording or vague content on our marketing materials or websites.

What we'll do

*all times are approximations. The total meetup time will be about 40 mins - 1 hour. ▶Agenda I. learning about miniapps (10 minutes) II. interning with Evolany (20 minutes) III. Getting an Intern job with a Tech Venture or Start-up company (10 minutes) IV. Q&A (10 - 20 minutes) ▶Venue: online (ZOOM) ▶About the Speaker The event will be hosted by Christian Forestell, Evolany Co-founder. With work experience spanning Entrepreneurialism, Consulting, and Recruitment, and an educational background in Architecture, Christian’s career has consistently blurred the lines between business, technology and design. In his free time he enjoys cooking, baking bread, cycling, annoying his family, reading, and writing. He intends on being a novelist when he grows up. We hope to see you soon - and hey, feel free to invite your friends. The more the merrier!

4 recommendations

Company info

Founded on 03/2018

50 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • CEO can code/
  • Funded more than $300,000/

神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜2-4-19 富士火災横浜ビル7F


Online meetup


Registration deadline Mar 17, 2021, 23:59


Online meetup

Company info

Founded on 03/2018

50 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • CEO can code/
  • Funded more than $300,000/

神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜2-4-19 富士火災横浜ビル7F