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Yousuke Okada
Born in 1988. Started programming from 10-year-old. Majored in computer graphics in high school and awarded a prize from Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In university, researched 3-dimensional computer graphics using Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) with Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) and proposed some paper in various international conferences. In particular, focused on solving the distributed physical simulation using much computing resource. After that, joined small venture company to manage a multi-million business. In 2011 stayed at Silicon Valley and impressed deep neural network technology on research stage. Backed Japan, started ABEJA as Founder & CEO / CTO in September, 2012.
Naoki Tonogi
Born in 1988. Selected by one of the top performers for the Global HR development program at Nagoya University. In 2011, became a member of Nagoya Lab by VOYAGE GROUP, leading new business development as a Director. In 2012, joined a consulting firm, specializing in several new business developments. In 2013, joined ABEJA, the first deep learning technology company in Asia, as COO / CFO then manage Global Div as CEO of ABEJA Singapore from 2017. 1988年生まれ。愛知県名古屋市出身。名古屋大学経済学部在籍時に、グローバル人材育成プログラム成績優秀者に採択。また大学時代にVOYAGEGROUP名古屋ラボの立ち上げに参画し、事業責任者としてスマートフォン関連の新規事業開発に従事。2012年、新規事業立ち上げのコンサルティングを得意とするプロフェッショナルファームに入社し、複数の大手一部上場企業の新規事業立ち上げ、PJマネジメントの経験をして、ディープラーニング(Deep Learning)を含めた先端技術を活用した産業構造変革を目指すABEJAに入社。COO、CFOとして事業・組織人事・ファイナンス全般に従事、2017年よりシンガポール含めたグローバル事業を統括。
Company info
Founded on 09/2012
125 members
東京都港区北青山二丁目14番4号 the ARGYLE aoyama 「WeWork」6F