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  • Editing / Writing
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Gaming curation media writer/editor

Editing / Writing

on 2015-11-17


7 requested to visit

Gaming curation media writer/editor


Ryuichi Tanaka

CEO and found of Unicon Pte. Ltd. Prior to Unicon founder, he worked Zynga Japan as business develop lead for expanding gaming business to asian market. Before joining Zynga, he was co-founder or Knockin'on Inc. it was acquired to ZENRIN DATA COM inc (Japanese Map giant company).

Takahiro Mizuno

安田火災、インテリジェンスを経てノッキングオンを起業。クックパッドでは人事部長として上場を経験し、AOI Pro.で新事業立ち上げを歴任。

Takeshi Endo



Takeshi Endo's story

飛鳥 西出

大学在籍中にIPA未踏ソフトウェアプロジェクトに採択されたPC用ウェブブラウザ「Lunascape」の開発メンバーとして参画。同プロジェクトはスーパークリエイター認定を受ける事となる。翌年、製品と同名の株式会社を共同創業し、CTOに就任。以降、退社までの約7年間にわたりコンシューマー向けクライアントアプリケーションの開発を自らが中心となって行う。 株式会社アマテラルにてソーシャルゲームの開発、運営を経験。 2012年、株式会社ユニコンの前身となる株式会社ウォルラスデザインを共同創業し、CTOに就任。

株式会社ユニコン's members

CEO and found of Unicon Pte. Ltd. Prior to Unicon founder, he worked Zynga Japan as business develop lead for expanding gaming business to asian market. Before joining Zynga, he was co-founder or Knockin'on Inc. it was acquired to ZENRIN DATA COM inc (Japanese Map giant company).

What we do

We are startup company based in Singapore and Tokyo, we empower gamer's fun to be more exciting. We provide gamers community app named "RockU Talk", it has already downloaded from over ten countries, and more than 200K users enjoy talking since we launch it in November 2014. We focus our gamer's community service and continue to create new value for gamers in the smartphone era.
RockU Talk
Casual talking in the meeting

What we do

RockU Talk

We are startup company based in Singapore and Tokyo, we empower gamer's fun to be more exciting. We provide gamers community app named "RockU Talk", it has already downloaded from over ten countries, and more than 200K users enjoy talking since we launch it in November 2014. We focus our gamer's community service and continue to create new value for gamers in the smartphone era.

Why we do

Casual talking in the meeting

[Our Mission] Encouraging personal growth and self-realization through games by promoting the fun and excitement of games and creating a a space where like-minded people can meet and enjoy games together

How we do

[Corporate culture] We are an internet startup company formed by a group of individuals who love games. We continually provide content and services for gamers all over the world to enjoy. One weekday evening each month, we enjoy gaming together with beers and snacks in hand.

As a new team member

Tasked with writing (and editing) content in English about games for our game curation media as Part time Job There are cases where you will have to write while actually playing the game. Necessary skills: - The ability to write naturally in English - Deep knowledge of and experience in gaming (we will inquire as to how often and what kind of games you play) Skills you will acquire: - Experience at a Japanese internet startup - Experience in launching a global service Screening process: Mid-November for a short term of at least one month (consultation upon interview) Travel expenses, hourly pay, incentives based on productivity. [Corporate culture] We are an internet startup company formed by a group of individuals who love games. We continually provide content and services for gamers all over the world to enjoy. One weekday evening each month, we enjoy gaming together with beers and snacks in hand.
15 recommendations

15 recommendations


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Company info

Founded on 12/2012

5 members

〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷3-6-1 イースト渋谷ビル6F