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  • Scala Developer
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WANTED: Scala Developer

Scala Developer

on 2018-09-25


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WANTED: Scala Developer


Koki Nagai

東京大学理学部情報学科卒。 在学中よりiOSのアプリ開発に携わり、そこでプログラミングの基礎を学ぶ。大学卒業後は人材系スタートアップの立ち上げより参画。求職者対応や集客や社内システム開発を担当。バックエンドからフロントエンドのすべての開発、広告配信やマーケティングまで事業全般に関わる。 人材系スタートアップに関わる中で、人の変化やモチベーションに興味を持ち、現在、SUGAR株式会社にて、フルスタックの開発ができるエンジニア兼採用担当として活躍中。

Atsunori Matsui


保幸 德廣

2006年に株式会社ドワンゴにて新卒入社。 ニコニコ動画・ニコニコ動画モバイルに携わった後、ニコニコ生放送の初代リーダーを務め社長賞MVPを2年連続受賞。その後も「Niconico Live Encoder」「SmartySmile」などを企画開発した。 2013年7月より株式会社セプテーニに入社。株式会社セプテーニ・オリジナルCTO・コミックスマート株式会社のCTOを歴任。 2017年10月SUGAR株式会社入社

SUGAR株式会社's members

東京大学理学部情報学科卒。 在学中よりiOSのアプリ開発に携わり、そこでプログラミングの基礎を学ぶ。大学卒業後は人材系スタートアップの立ち上げより参画。求職者対応や集客や社内システム開発を担当。バックエンドからフロントエンドのすべての開発、広告配信やマーケティングまで事業全般に関わる。 人材系スタートアップに関わる中で、人の変化やモチベーションに興味を持ち、現在、SUGAR株式会社にて、フルスタックの開発ができるエンジニア兼採用担当として活躍中。

What we do

Our company is developing the "SUGAR" live video "1 : 1 : N" distribution platform. Famous entertainers are able to make videophone calls to their fans and deliver their presence in real time. We were founded as a startup in June 2017. Famous venture capital funds and famous individual investors have trust our company and raised hundreds of millions of yens for us. We are working together to make a product that allows entertainers and fans to share a deep connection.
SUGARで、あなたのあこがれのあの芸能人から着信が。ライブでつながる興奮を、あなたに。 Using SUGAR you receive a call from the entertainer that you are longing. You will have the excitement of a live connection with him.
マスメディアでは実現できなかった深いコミュニケーションをテクノロジーの力で実現していきます。 With state of the art technology, we provide a deep communication that mass media just can't offer.

What we do

SUGARで、あなたのあこがれのあの芸能人から着信が。ライブでつながる興奮を、あなたに。 Using SUGAR you receive a call from the entertainer that you are longing. You will have the excitement of a live connection with him.

マスメディアでは実現できなかった深いコミュニケーションをテクノロジーの力で実現していきます。 With state of the art technology, we provide a deep communication that mass media just can't offer.

Our company is developing the "SUGAR" live video "1 : 1 : N" distribution platform. Famous entertainers are able to make videophone calls to their fans and deliver their presence in real time. We were founded as a startup in June 2017. Famous venture capital funds and famous individual investors have trust our company and raised hundreds of millions of yens for us. We are working together to make a product that allows entertainers and fans to share a deep connection.

How we do

The concept of the product was a vision of our core members and we started operating as a corporation in October 2017. With 2 people under one manager we started our product development and on July 2018 the iOS beta application was released. We are enhacing our services with a small team of exceptional members starting by our CTO who has top class experience in video distribution service in Japan. Carefully but quickly we are setting up all the preparations to have millions of users. For example, the services of major companies have nothing on the large scale infrastucture we are investing on. We adopted Scala as the main development language. The front-end uses Swift and Kotlin. Regarding our server technology, we are developing video servers using WebRTC among others. We can deliver at low latency without relying on external SDKs.

As a new team member

We are currently looking for a Scala developer for the SUGAR backend. 【Mr. Sugitani (CTO) profile】 In 2006 joined Dwango Company as a graduate. Eventually become Development leader in charge of several projects. During this period at Dwango, Mr Sugitani developed Nikonama, a popular service that reached 3.33 million MAU (Monthly Active Users). In 2013 he joined Septeni Original and worked on the developing culture as CTO. He is also currently the CTO Comic Smart Company, a manga company and develops the cartoon application GANMA! From October 2017, he joined the SUGAR Corporation and he is in charge of development as CTO. 【Our development culture】 Don't hesitate doing any effort to keep on with high-speed, high-quality development. 1. Use excellent tools - Scala or Swift or Kotlin rather than PHP, Objective-C or Java / High spec PC. 2. Use good methodologies in the correct way - Domain-Driven Design, Scrum etc. 3. Mantain code higiene - Review / Eagerness to test 4. Enjoy - avoid manual operation / automation · scripting For details, plase see the blog below. So far we have only Japanese version ... · 2017/10 blog entry - Summary of the first four years or Talk of a quitting CTO · 2015/5 blog entry - A thought about technical debt 【Development environment】 · Macbook Pro 15 inch 2.9 GHz / memory 32 GB / SSD 512 GB · Dual display · GitHub / Slack / ... · Scala / Swift / Kotlin / TypeScript / ... · GCP / AWS / Docker / Kubernetes / Ansible / Akamai / Fastly / ... 【Skills】 ■Required ・Back-end development experience of Web services ・Interest to learn Scala ■Bonus Points ・Experience developing services for B-to-C with Scala ・Experience working front-end driven applications and full stack infrastructure.
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Company info

Founded on 06/2017

6 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/

東京都港区北青山3-6-7 青山パラシオタワー11F