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on 2024-09-14


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Read data science academic articles


19:30 ~
at 東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1
at 東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1

栢本 淳一


浦島 伸一郎

金融機関のシステム担当として、株式取引システム、債権取引所、オプション取引システム、外国為替取引システムなど、様々な金融サービスシステムの開発や業務などに携わってきました。現在はトレーダムのサービス開発を通して、日本企業がグローバルマーケットにチャレンジすることをサポートしています。 好きな言葉は沢山あります。孫さんの名言から1つ。 「悩むのは夢や希望が在るからだ。乗り越えた先に素晴らしき未来が在る。」

Mayu Okizaki


Nanako Sato

ジーフィット / HR 「為替リスク管理」という独自の視点で展開する事業に興味を持ち、ジーフィットへ。 広告業界→PR業界→現在

Hosting members


Why we host

Purpose We would manage: - A community for global people who have interest in data science - A on-site place for mutual learning among members to apply data science to businesses

What we'll do

Program People who have interest in data science will gather and read academic articles together to have right understanding of the logic. The participants are expected to enhance their learning by mutually communication among members during the session. Done in both Japanese and English. [Sample articles to read] - Forecasting at Scale (prophet) <- currently we are reading - Attention Is All You Need - Semopy: A Python Package for Structural Equation Target Participants Those who want to enhance their understanding of data science articles. People who are working or would like to be a data scientist. Contact person Junichi Kayamoto / Chief Data Science Officer He started his career as a data scientist at a data analysis startup, and over the past 20 years he has held lead roles in data science departments at Shinsei Bank, GE (as a student in the Risk Management Leadership Program), Invast Securities, and SecondXight Analytica. In 2023, he joined GFIT Corporation as CDSO. Please bring your own Laptop computer (MS-Excel will be used)

Why we host

Purpose We would manage: - A community for global people who have interest in data science - A on-site place for mutual learning among members to apply data science to businesses

What we'll do

Program People who have interest in data science will gather and read academic articles together to have right understanding of the logic. The participants are expected to enhance their learning by mutually communication among members during the session. Done in both Japanese and English. [Sample articles to read] - Forecasting at Scale (prophet) <- currently we are reading - Attention Is All You Need - Semopy: A Python Package for Structural Equation Target Participants Those who want to enhance their understanding of data science articles. People who are working or would like to be a data scientist. Contact person Junichi Kayamoto / Chief Data Science Officer He started his career as a data scientist at a data analysis startup, and over the past 20 years he has held lead roles in data science departments at Shinsei Bank, GE (as a student in the Risk Management Leadership Program), Invast Securities, and SecondXight Analytica. In 2023, he joined GFIT Corporation as CDSO. Please bring your own Laptop computer (MS-Excel will be used)

More from ジーフィット株式会社

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Company info

Founded on 01/2015

25 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Funded more than $300,000/
  • CEO can code/

東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階 FINOLAB内


東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階 FINOLAB内


Registration deadline Oct 03, 2024, 23:59


東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階 FINOLAB内

Company info

Founded on 01/2015

25 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Funded more than $300,000/
  • CEO can code/

東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階 FINOLAB内