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Calling for International Engineers!


on 2017-11-22


27 requested to visit

Calling for International Engineers!

Mid-career・Side Job・Contract work/ Part-time work
Workplace abroad
Mid-career・Side Job・Contract work/ Part-time work
Workplace abroad

Yuki Iwanaga

Been interested in creating my own things and figuring out how things work. Started programming and design at 12. A bizarre thing is that I’ve been somehow called “genius” from people around me. I'm not smart. But I bet you what, I have pretty good tastes. ...

Rei Kubonaga

Wantedly Visitのプロダクトチームのリーダ 京都大学理学部数学科を卒業後、複数のスタートアップの立ち上げや開発・事業運営に携わる。2012年6月よりウォンテッドリーのサービス開発に関わり、2013年1月に正式入社。Wantedly Visitなど複数のサービス、アプリの開発・グロースを主導。 「わくわく開発」をテーマにチーム作りしながら、開発しています!


Rei Kubonaga's story

Kento Moriwaki

Wantedlyの新卒三年目エンジニア。 フィードチームとインターナショナルチームとして、施策を考えるところから開発まで、幅広く取り組んでいます。 フロントエンドが好きで、WantedlyにReactを導入したりしました。


Kento Moriwaki's story

Malvin Sutanto

As a software engineer, I have a great interest in user experience design. I try to spend as much time as possible learning and discussing user experience best practices with user experience designers. I believe that a good application is an application that is made with the user’s best interest in mind.

Wantedly, Inc.'s members

Been interested in creating my own things and figuring out how things work. Started programming and design at 12. A bizarre thing is that I’ve been somehow called “genius” from people around me. I'm not smart. But I bet you what, I have pretty good tastes. ...

What we do

Our mission at Wantedly is to 'Create a World where Work drives Passion.' In order to eliminate recruitment mismatches, we built a service that matches talents and teams based on their passion and interests rather than skills and work history. Instead of having strict test-based interview processes, we encourage both talents and teams to sit down and have a casual chat first to make sure that the culture fit is there. We are improving our services every day, frequently launching new features and incorporating the latest technologies. That being said, we are always looking for engineers who would like to explore new possibilities that will bring Wantedly to greater heights. People all over the world are looking to fulfill their potential. If you resonate with our mission, we would love to get to know you.
One of our products: Wantedly Visit
One of our products: Wantedly People
Tech books are available
The International Team
Office space at Tokyo HQ
Meeting scene

What we do

One of our products: Wantedly Visit

One of our products: Wantedly People

Our mission at Wantedly is to 'Create a World where Work drives Passion.' In order to eliminate recruitment mismatches, we built a service that matches talents and teams based on their passion and interests rather than skills and work history. Instead of having strict test-based interview processes, we encourage both talents and teams to sit down and have a casual chat first to make sure that the culture fit is there. We are improving our services every day, frequently launching new features and incorporating the latest technologies. That being said, we are always looking for engineers who would like to explore new possibilities that will bring Wantedly to greater heights. People all over the world are looking to fulfill their potential. If you resonate with our mission, we would love to get to know you.

Why we do

Office space at Tokyo HQ

Meeting scene

Our mission is to raise the number of people who pursue their passion through the work they do every day. Do you ever witness people with great potential around you, with dead eyes, dreading to wake up in the morning, dragging themselves to a job that they secretly hate? We believe that everybody has the chance to work on something meaningful. That is why we build products that help as many people as possible be excited about their work. All of us are passionate about our work and work diligently to help people find their happiness and passion.

How we do

Tech books are available

The International Team

We are a strongly engineer-driven company. Half of our team members are engineers, and all executives and business teams communicate via GitHub. Additionally, we approach all of our problems by creating the "Maximum Social Impact on the Shortest Distance"; or in other words, a "Scalable Technology-centered Approach". In order to improve the features on our platform, we make use of our in-house data analysis.

As a new team member

This job is for everyone who's always wanted to work in Japan. We are offering multiple positions for experienced engineers, with full on-site visa and accommodation support. 【Development specs】 ・Languages: ・Server-side: Ruby(Rails), Go, Javascript (ReactJS) ・Infra/ Middleway: Go, Python ・Machine learning: Python ・iOS: Objective-C, Swift ・Android: Java ・Data storage: PostgreSQL, Elasticseach, Redis ・Base: AWS, kubernetes, Docker 【Requirements】 ・Experience with Ruby, or any other web app development/ operational/ script language ・GitHub savvy ・Understanding basic algorithms and data structures ・Resolates to our vision 【Nice-to-haves】 ・Ruby on Rails experience ・Front-end development experience using ReactJS or similar ・Experience using Elasticsearch and Redis ・Experience with the full development cycle, having built or improved a complete project by yourself ・Docker experience ・Experience working with a microservice environment 【Who we need】 ・Somebody who wants to Create a World where Work drives Passion ・Somebody who likes to work autonomously towards challenging goals ・Somebody who's keen on learning about new technologies ・You!
32 recommendations

32 recommendations


What happens after you apply?

  1. ApplyClick "Want to Visit"
  2. Wait for a reply
  3. Set a date
  4. Meet up
Job Post Features
Online interviews OK

Company info

Founded on 09/2010

100 members

  • Expanding business abroad/
  • CEO can code/
  • Funded more than $1,000,000/

東京都港区白金台5-12-7 MG白金台ビル4階