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IT that enriches our lives

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on 2024-01-21


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IT that enriches our lives

Use foreign languages
Use foreign languages

Sanjay Bhandari


髙橋 佳佑

2019年に株式会社JTBへ総合職(法人営業担当)として就職。 その後、コロナウイルスを機に自身のキャリアを見つめ、社会人3年目に赤坂で脱毛サロンを開業。社会人生活で得たコミュニケーションやネットワークを活かし、その後法人3社と業務委託契約を結び、現在に至る。こよなくお茶を愛し、動物好きな一面もあり。

WiLLDesign 株式会社's members


What we do

We, WiLLDesign, Inc. are an offshore development company. With our strength in high cost performance IT development, we aim to be a "close IT development partner" based on the concept of "SANPO YOSHI" for our clients, users, and employees. ◾️Business Activities ・Mobile app development ・Web app development ・E-commerce development ・Website development ・POS register system (scheduled for release in summer 2024) We are engaged in offshore development business. We assign the most suitable resources to meet our clients' needs based on our strong network of approximately 5 million engineers in 12 countries overseas. Offshore development is completed inexpensively, quickly, and with high quality. This is the reason why we continue to be a close IT development partner. ■Our Goal In the mid- to long-term, we aim to realize a society in which it is easy for immigrants to live in Japan. The reason for this is that we believe that resources for immigrants will become more important in Japanese society in the near future. In order to improve this situation, where Japan's working population is certain to decline due to the falling birthrate and aging population, reforms in both quantity and quality are necessary. We are, Quality: DX-ing of companies Quantity: Attracting immigrants to live in Japan We believe that this is the key to improvement. In DX, we will continue to support as many companies as possible with our powerful development capabilities. As for immigrants, we would like to use technology as a hook to make Japan a better place to live from various perspectives, and create an environment where they can not only play an active role, but also settle in and help raise the next generation in Japan.

What we do

We, WiLLDesign, Inc. are an offshore development company. With our strength in high cost performance IT development, we aim to be a "close IT development partner" based on the concept of "SANPO YOSHI" for our clients, users, and employees. ◾️Business Activities ・Mobile app development ・Web app development ・E-commerce development ・Website development ・POS register system (scheduled for release in summer 2024) We are engaged in offshore development business. We assign the most suitable resources to meet our clients' needs based on our strong network of approximately 5 million engineers in 12 countries overseas. Offshore development is completed inexpensively, quickly, and with high quality. This is the reason why we continue to be a close IT development partner. ■Our Goal In the mid- to long-term, we aim to realize a society in which it is easy for immigrants to live in Japan. The reason for this is that we believe that resources for immigrants will become more important in Japanese society in the near future. In order to improve this situation, where Japan's working population is certain to decline due to the falling birthrate and aging population, reforms in both quantity and quality are necessary. We are, Quality: DX-ing of companies Quantity: Attracting immigrants to live in Japan We believe that this is the key to improvement. In DX, we will continue to support as many companies as possible with our powerful development capabilities. As for immigrants, we would like to use technology as a hook to make Japan a better place to live from various perspectives, and create an environment where they can not only play an active role, but also settle in and help raise the next generation in Japan.

Why we do

◾️Background There are two reasons why we are tackling this issue. (1) Difficulty in living that the CEO himself felt. The inconvenience of living in Japan because of the language barrier, which he has felt since he came to Japan at the age of 8, is the reason why we are doing this project. He always wonders, 'Why doesn't anyone help when it's needed? Simple government procedures shouldn't be this complicated. With the increasing number of immigrants in Japan, there must be many who feel the same way.' As he speaks out on an issue that resonates with many, more and more people, like him, are raising their voices. We feel it is our mission in this project to support such people and create an environment where it is easy to live in Japan with IT. (2) Japan's working population will decrease by approximately 20 million people by 2050. In a Japanese society where the working population is expected to decrease and the number of elderly people over 65 years old is expected to increase, what is important is a "diverse workforce", including immigrants, maximizing their value by making full use of digital technology. The 23-year Kishida Cabinet has also implemented ¥2.8 trillion in support for transportation infrastructure in the ASEAN region" and "human resource development for 5,000 people in the ASEAN region," which already suggests a way to engage with overseas workers that looks decades into the future. ◾️Mission ・Realize a society in which all immigrants can live happily using digital technology. ・Realize a society in which all immigrants can establish their life cycles in Japan. ・Realize a society that can increase the number of second-generation children who will lead Japan in the future.

How we do

◾️This is our team and the way we work We are a developing venture with 3 employees! We have people from various careers working for us, including an engineer who has been in the IT field for a long time, a person who has experience in a large corporation, and a person who has achieved the best results in Japan in overseas real estate sales. Our corporate culture is flat and free, and the environment is a good fit for those who can think and act independently. We encourage you to come to work for the first two months after you join the company. After that, you will be expected to work remotely or coming to office in Shibuya. ■Benefits and Welfare As a benefit package, we offer approximately 1,000 different services that can be used in a wide range of situations, including daily life and leisure. For example, every Monday, you can get a free small coffee at Lawson! We also provide transportation expenses and a flexible working hours system (with some restrictions), and are committed to creating a comfortable working environment for everyone!

As a new team member

WiLLDesign is launching an international project to "create a society where immigrants can live comfortably with technology". Our direction is the same as the government's Society 5.0, and we aim to realize a Japanese society where people of all nationalities can play an active role and settle in regardless of their nationality. ◾️Action The first step toward realizing our mission is to implement the development of a POS cash register. We will create an AI-equipped cash register for immigrants operating restaurants in Japan that can be used in their own language. We will support the sustainable development of restaurant business by introducing the generated AI technology so that web marketing can be utilized properly. This is the first step in a large-scale project that will create a new shape for Japan in the coming decades. The number of immigrants in Japan has increased by approximately 1.2 million since 2012. If you are interested in building this lifecycle cycle of "learn, work, get married, raise children, and create the next generation" in such a remarkable Japan, let's build the next Japan together!
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Founded on 10/2021

4 members

  • Average age of employees in 20s/

東京都渋谷区桜丘町18-4 二宮ビル1階