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We are looking for passionate individuals with sales experience to join our team of sales promoters!

Sales / Biz Development
Contract work/ Part-time work

on 2023-02-23


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We are looking for passionate individuals with sales experience to join our team of sales promoters!

Contract work/ Part-time work
Contract work/ Part-time work

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Divya Chopra

VDV Living Pte Ltd's members

Divya Chopra

What we do

We are a D2C brand called The Plush Club, selling sustainable baby clothing in Singapore and globally. The Plush Club is a sustainable baby clothing brand that has revolutionized the world of baby essentials.

Why we do

Our mission is to make practical and functional baby clothing that makes every parent's life easier. With our moto, "Reinventing baby essentials", we is constantly working on creating stylish yet practical designs that don't compromise on fabric quality and sustainability.

How we do

Our product range is a testament to our commitment to creating practical clothing that is suitable for everyday wear. Our engaging and innovative designs are perfect for babies and kids aged 0-5 years, encouraging their creative juices to flow while dressing up or dressing down. We has received an overwhelming amount of positive customer feedback. Parents have reported that their baby's eczema has significantly improved or been cured after using The Plush Club's products. This is a testament to our use of high-quality, hypoallergenic bamboo fabric, which is naturally antibacterial and gentle on even the most sensitive skin.

As a new team member

Job Responsibilities and Requirements: • Need a temporary sales promoter for a baby expo for 4 days. • Require someone who can learn about our baby clothing products ((We will provide the training) and promote them during the exhibition. • Will prefer someone who has done the job previously. • Dates 6th April (Thursday) - 9th April (Sunday). Join our team of promoters, click ''I'm Interested'' today to speak with the team!

What we do

We are a D2C brand called The Plush Club, selling sustainable baby clothing in Singapore and globally. The Plush Club is a sustainable baby clothing brand that has revolutionized the world of baby essentials.

Why we do

Our mission is to make practical and functional baby clothing that makes every parent's life easier. With our moto, "Reinventing baby essentials", we is constantly working on creating stylish yet practical designs that don't compromise on fabric quality and sustainability.

How we do

Our product range is a testament to our commitment to creating practical clothing that is suitable for everyday wear. Our engaging and innovative designs are perfect for babies and kids aged 0-5 years, encouraging their creative juices to flow while dressing up or dressing down. We has received an overwhelming amount of positive customer feedback. Parents have reported that their baby's eczema has significantly improved or been cured after using The Plush Club's products. This is a testament to our use of high-quality, hypoallergenic bamboo fabric, which is naturally antibacterial and gentle on even the most sensitive skin.

As a new team member

Job Responsibilities and Requirements: • Need a temporary sales promoter for a baby expo for 4 days. • Require someone who can learn about our baby clothing products ((We will provide the training) and promote them during the exhibition. • Will prefer someone who has done the job previously. • Dates 6th April (Thursday) - 9th April (Sunday). Join our team of promoters, click ''I'm Interested'' today to speak with the team!


    What happens after you apply?

    1. ApplyClick "Want to Visit"
    2. Wait for a reply
    3. Set a date
    4. Meet up