
My Journey from California to Olive Union and Japan【Employee Interview Vol.2】

Hello! This is Mana from PR department at Olive Union inc. I will interview various members in Olive to deliver the fresh members’ voice. This time, I talked to Nick from the US team !!!

I asked Nick about why he joined our company and about his usual work !!!

■Nick’s Profile■

Born 1992 in San Francisco, CA. Graduated from University of California, Santa Cruz in 2015 with a Bachelors in Language Study. Moved to Japan 3 months after graduating and worked as a High School ALT for 3 years. Moved to Tokyo in 2018 and worked at Berlitz and then after a popular animal cafe. In 2019, joined Olive Union, inc.

■Company Profile■

Currently, there are about 460 million people with hearing loss in the world, and it is said that it will double to more than 900 million in 2030. To solve the social problem of "hearing loss", we are developing and selling an innovative hearable device.

Succeeded in raising more than 100 million yen at INDIEGOGO, a cloud found-raising service in the United States. Obtained FDA certification (medical device certification) in South Korea and the United States. Received the Innovation Award at CES2020 (World Consumer Electronics Trade Fair). The head office was moved to Japan in 2019, and the business is currently expanding in Japan, South Korea and the United States. A total of over 1.2 billion yen has been raised.

About Nick's background

ーTell me about why you came to Japan, and about your first career!

I was interested in Japan and Japanese when I was a student, but I may not have had a particular opportunity to learn Japanese. I thought I should be able to speak Japanese and decided to study because I’m half Japanese and half American. Now I’m going to live in Japan for many years and believe that I should be able to speak business-level Japanese.

My career began after I graduated college and moved to Japan - for the following 4 years I worked in education as an English teacher at both a public high school, a private English conversation school, and a part time lecturer at a junior university.

-What made you decide to join us?

I was looking for a place to both grow as a worker & person while finding a company whose mission and ideals I could support. For me, Olive Union was the perfect choice; I saw a young and growing company filled with the potential to change the world in a meaningful way. In some ways I felt it reflected me as well.

About working at Olive

ーHow about the member composition of Olive? Also, what is the atmosphere like?

As an international company, we have a number of different teams to handle the different regions. Our R&D is in Korea, and the American and Japanese teams currently work in the Tokyo office. As part of the American team, I mainly work together with my 3 other teammates.

Because the team is still small, we have a very open and friendly atmosphere. Communication is very quick and we all must work efficiently together to handle the workload.

ーWhat kind of work is Nick in charge of?

I’m currently managing the Customer Service and SNS for the American market. I also help out with SEO and Marketing as well.

What is worthwhile about your job?

For me the idea and goal of helping people is my motivation. Rather than spreadsheets, data, and business meetings, I’ve always been more of a people & relationship oriented person. Every sale we make or person I talk to, I feel value and satisfaction from knowing that we’ve helped a person and made a difference in their life.

ーWhat do you want to do at Olive? Tell me about your personal goal at Olive.

Personally, I’d like to continue supporting Olive Union in whatever way I can. There is a lot of work to be done and many opportunities for growth and learning. I want to help Olive Union become a company that truly enriches and helps people's lives all across the world - to extend our Olive Branch to anyone who we can help.

About people

ーTell me about your colleages!

The people around me amaze me everyday - the passion and ability they bring is inspiring. The mixture of Japanese, Korean, and American culture really highlights the international background of all the employees.

ーWhat kind of person do you think is suitable for Olive?

Accountability and growth are key here - if you are someone who enjoys seeing immediate and direct results from your actions then this is the perfect place to be.

Furthermore, if you believe in helping others and making the world a better place, our company's mission and goal is something you can easily get behind and draw motivation from!

ーLastly, anything you would like to say for new colleges?!

Welcome to Olive Union! I’m looking forward to working together with you to help spread hearing around the world to those in need. Let’s do our best!

We are looking for colleagues to work with us!

【 We are looking for people like this 】

・”I want to change the industry and develop a business that solves social issues” --- Those who are interested in social issues and business development.

・”I don't like the same as other people, I want to grow faster than other people”--- Those who can enjoy the challenges and want to improve their skills.

・”I want to do something new, I want to make a company list on the stock market” --- Those who want to try their own potential.

・”I want to work in Japan using English, I want to work outside of japan in the future..” --- Those who want to work globally.

If you are interested, please contact us from the recruitment page below on Wantedly.

If you want to know about us or have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Olive Unionは日本に2000万人いる難聴者の ”聞こえ”の社会課題解決 に本気で取り組む日・韓・米のグローバルスタートアップです。 ■実績■ 補聴器の低普及や、認知症の拡大といった聞こえに関する社会問題に対して、従来の補聴器や集音器とは違う、革新的なヒアラブルデバイスを開発し、日韓米で事業展開をしてきました。私たちが開発した「Olive Smart Ear」は販売1年で世界で20,000台売り上げ、ラスベガスで開かれた世界最大の展示会CES2020(米国家電見本市)でイノベーションアワードを受賞しました。また会社としても前年比で約10倍の成長を遂げており、急成長中のベンチャーです。 ■今後の展望■ WHOの試算によると、2030年には現在の約2倍、全世界で10億人もの人々が耳の聞こえに課題を持つとされていますが、特に難聴者に限っても補聴器利用率は13.5%と非常に低水準に留まり、多くの方が聞こえに課題を抱えたまま日常生活を送っています。また、補聴器の場合、平均価格は10~20万円と非常に高額であることに加え、補聴器に対する“ネガティブな社会認知”が普及のハードルになっていると考えられています。今までも、そしてこれからもIoT、AIテクノロジーを用いたヒアラブルデバイスの事業拡大を目指していくとともに、新規事業を創出し、真の健康社会を実現します。 ■経営陣説明■ 代表)韓国、ソウル生まれ。 SAMSUNG ART & DESIGN INSTITUTEにプロダクトデザイン専攻で入学。サムスン電子のプロダクトデザイナー・リーダーとして活躍後、コロンビア大学建築学科修士課程に進学。その後叔父の難聴から創業を決意。2016年弊社を創業。 取締役)オーストラリアの大学を卒業後、Foxconn、ヒュンダイ自動車、ベンチャーキャピタルで韓国に加えてインドやシンガポール等の複数国での事業開発を経験後、2017年Oliveunion入社。同年取締役に就任。CGO(Chief Global Officer)として海外事業展開の責任者を務める 執行役員)新卒で大手専門商社に入社し、財務・新事業開発を歴任。スタートアップとの協業及び投資プログラムをゼロから設計。その後LITALICOで、経営企画・管理会計を担当し、OliveUnionへの出資プロジェクトに参画。2019年、当社に入社、管理本部長としてファイナンス及び管理部門をを管掌。一橋大学経済学部卒。
株式会社Olive Union

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